Powerful Calculator

In 'Powerful Calculator' you can solve various math problems, use variables, use many of our functions, find values of integrations, plot graphs of many functions, create your own functions, and many more abilities! Just easily type your math into the input and see it spitted out instantly. And all is calculated locally on your browser, without sending requests to a distant host, and without Java or Flash, and all for free!
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Other Functions: less | more x
solve(equation,x0) find x so that the 'equation' is closest to solution, beginning with 'x0'
integrate(a,b,func) calculate the definite integral of 'func' from x='a' to x='b'.
integrate(0,1,"x*x") → 0.333333
integrate(0,pi,"sin(x)") → 2.0000000
sum(a,b,func) calculate the sum of 'func' from x='a' to x='b'.
sum(0,100,"pow(0.25,x)") → 1.3333333 == 1/(1-0.25)
sum(0,1,atan) → 45 == atan(0) + atan(1) = 0 + 45
product(a,b,func) calculate the product of 'func' from x='a' to x='b'.
diff(a,func) calculate the differential of 'func' at x='a'.
diff(0,sin) → 1 == sin(x)'|x=0 = cos(x)|x=0 = cos(0) = 1
diff(1,"1/pow(e,x)") → -0.3678794407990793 ~= -1/e
pow(x,a) calculate 'x' in the power of 'a' (like x^a)
pow(-1,2) == 1; pow(3,0) == 1;
sqrt(x) calculate the square root of 'x'
sqrt(4) == 2
root(x,a) calculate the 'a'th root of 'x'
root(256,8) == 2; root(-27,3) == -3;
root(-16,2) == NaN;
atan2(y,x) calculate the angle of the vector which is represented by [x,y]
examples: (if using degrees)
atan2(30,30) == 45 ; atan2(-30,-30) == -135
abs(x) return the Absolute value of 'x'
abs(-1) == 1
min( ... ) return the minimum of the arguments
examples: min(0,1,123) == 0
max( ... ) return the maximum of the arguments
sum( ... ) return the sum of the arguments
example: sum(1,20,12) == 33
average( ... ) return the average of the arguments
example: average(1,2,3) == 2
variance( ... ) return the variance of the arguments
example: variance(1,2,3,4,5,6) == 2.9166
log(base,x) return the logarithm of 'x' in base 'base'
examples: log(2,16) == 4
log10(x) return the logarithm of 'x' in base 10
examples: log10(1000)
ln(x) return the logarithm of 'x' in base 'e'
examples: ln(e*e) == 2
random() return a random number, ~U[0,1]
exp(x) return 'e' by 'x' ( 'e' in the exponent of 'x' )
examples: exp(2)
fact(x) return the factorial of 'x' (x!)
examples: fact(4) == 1*2*3*4 == 24
sinc(x) return the sinc(x) = sin(x)/x
tanh(x) return hyperbolic tangent of 'x'
OR( ... )
NOR( ... )
AND( ... )
NAND( ... )
XOR( ... )
XNOR( ... )
return logic function of the arguments. note that the operation is bit-wise for each bit in the number
OR(false,true) == 1
OR(0,1) == 1
OR(1,2) == 3
XOR(1,2,4) == 7
XOR(0x8,0xA) == 2
MAJ(...) return the majority of the arguments
examples: MAJ(0,1,0) == false

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